Dreams Take Flight
One's mind, once stretched, never regains its original dimensions.
The Next Flight (2025) is Currently in the Planning Stages!!
Give a trip-of-a-lifetime. Give limitless possibilities.
Welcome To Dreams Take Flight | Atlantic!
Dreams Take Flight Atlantic provides the trip of a lifetime to deserving children. Each year, our Atlantic chapter accompanies over 140 children from Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, PEI, & Newfoundland to Disney World in Orlando Florida. Our mission is to provide these deserving children one magical day, regardless of the challenges they face in their everyday lives. This adventure gives these children the chance to escape from their day to day reality while allowing them to know their worth, develop self-esteem, and independence.
Air Canada generously donates an aircraft for a 24 hour period. The money we raise throughout the year is used to pay for all the day’s expenses, including fuel for the aircraft, airport fees and taxes, admission to Disney World, commemorative gifts, appropriate footwear for the children, food, and clothing to identify the children and their escorts. In order to achieve these goals our organization relies heavily on the generosity of corporate sponsors.
With continued support from our communities and our sponsors, we can continue to make Magical Memories for Deserving Children!
“All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.” -Walt Disney

About Dreams Take Flight
Dreams Take Flight stretches children’s minds. As poet Oliver Wendell Holmes wrote, “One’s mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions.”
In 1989, several Air Canada employees in Toronto planned a trip-of-a-lifetime. They flew 70 special needs children on a DC-9 aircraft to Walt Disney World in Florida.
By 1997, the Dreams Take Flight charity had expanded across Canada.
For a very long and exciting day, deserving children live an adventure in a world-renowned theme park in California or Florida. All expenses paid—thanks to sponsors and volunteers.
When they land back home, their minds are stretched to new dimensions. They see new possibilities.
Dreams Take Flight is located in the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaw people. This territory is covered by the treaties of peace and friendship, first signed with the British crown in 1725